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Top 10 Tips To Growing Your Instagram

Top 10 Tips To Growing Your Instagram

Deciding whether to use social media for your business is NOT an option nowadays.
Growing your social presence is vital to reach a larger audience and consequently increase the growth of your business. Instagram is among the top social media networks used worldwide, with over 500 million monthly active users. But in the ever developing online world, it can seem impossible to make your mark, let alone know where to start. So luckily for you, we have compiled a list of Instagram tips which are proven to help grow your account and business!

Create a Business Account

Anyone can create an Instagram feed, but did you know there’s now an option to change your account to a business account?
These type of accounts come with extra functions which can benefit your business such as analytics tools, contact options and Instagram Ads.

Know Your Audience

Many businesses find it difficult to turn their followers into conversions or sales because they forget to target the right audience. Before you create a post, ask yourself whether it is something your client would find interesting. If the answer is no then maybe reconsider posting it.

Have a Gripping Bio

Bios are so underrated,  once your target audience has landed on your page, you don’t want to lose them because of a dull bio.
Having a killer bio is essential to grabbing your audience’s attention and ideally turning them into followers.
The key is to make your bio short but engaging, so tell them a bit about yourself but don’t blab too much. You can also customise your bios such as centring them, changing the font or adding symbols. Check out appamatix for more information on how to customise your bio.

Link To Your Business

All your social media platforms should represent your business and essentially encourage viewers to use your service. Supplying a clear link to your website is a simple but effective way to promote your business and hopefully turn viewers into potential customers. Instagram provides a dedicated area for your website URL which displays on your bio, so make sure you use it!

Post High-Quality Content

Statistics show images are 40x more likely to be shared on social media than any other content, so it’s all very well gaining followers, but you’re sure to lose them if the images you post are blurry and boring. Posting good quality content will also attract a higher engagement rate and give you a better chance of appearing on the Instagram discovery page.

Follow other Inspirational Accounts

We all have to start somewhere, so it’s a good idea to see what other people in the same industry are doing. Do your research by checking out or even following other accounts which inspire you and your business. If you take a look at who is interacting with their content, you will find users who are most likely interested in your niche too.

Engage, Engage, Engage!

I cannot stress this one enough – you MUST engage with other account users if you want them to stay connected with you. So comment and like other posts, answer any questions you receive on your content and build a rapport with your followers; if you’re picking up strong engagement then your posts will appear at the top of your follower’s feeds.


This one is optional depending on what your business is, but many successful Instagram accounts develop a theme across their feed which makes their account highly attractive.
Take a look at how meghanrienks and jasonmpeterson have used a colour scheme to craft an appealing and engaging looking feed. Perhaps this is something you could consider doing with yours?

Use Hashtags

Hash tagging is an important element of online media because it enables people to find you through topics and interests. This is very beneficial for businesses as they can use hashtags to reach potential clients and customers. Ensure you tag relevant words and phrases rather than #spamming #your #audience #with #unnecessary #hashtags.

Offer Complimentary Gifts

People like free ‘stuff’, whether it’s advice, tips or giveaways, so give your audience a reason to follow you by providing them with beneficial information and fun competitions. This is also a good way to increase your following by encouraging users to follow you in order to enter your competition. Offering free services you will attract an audience and keep them coming back for more.
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Riana is our content creating superstar here at Space Digital! With experience and interests in Fashion, Lifestyle and Television, she keeps us up to date with the latest trends and NO NO’s.

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