Walker Hill Group

Active Campaign vs. MailChimp – What Email Automation Platform Is Best For You?

As one of the few marketing strategies that have stood the test of time, it is important when choosing a platform to create email campaigns and automations that is best suited to you and your business.
If you’re anything like us, you’re looking for an email automation platform that allows you to do everything you need as easily as possible and for a competitive price.
So, as two of the leading email marketing platforms in the digital marketing industry, it’s time to ask yourself: Which is better, ActiveCampaign or MailChimp?
Don’t know the answer? Never fear! This blog is all about which platform we believe is better for your business!
Email Automation
As an important feature of an email platform, being able to easily design and integrate a successful email automation is key. Both platforms offer an email automation feature, however, there is a large difference when it comes to ease and usability.
The email automation system offered by MailChimp is quite basic when compared to that of Active Campaign. When put side by side, you can see that MailChimp’s automations are very simplistic and slightly more difficult to adjust. Active Campaign offers a drag and drop automation editor that allows you to adjust the automation map to your liking and constantly make changes, even when there are users in the automation.To find out more about Active Campaign’s email automation system, click here.
email automation
As one of the most important components in deciding which platform to choose, the cost is definitely a deciding factor. Both platforms offer multiple plans that have been created to cater to specific requirements of the business but when it comes down to it, you want to get more bang for your buck!
Both platforms offer Lite Plans, however, Active Campaign’s plan is slightly cheaper and also offers other features that MailChimp does not provide. To get an overview of each plan that Active Campaign offers and what’s included, click here.
Analytics and Data
When using email platforms, it’s important to consider how you want your data and reports present as well as what you are looking to achieve. Both platforms offer a dashboard that displays data displaying how well your campaigns are performing and what areas need to be improved. The difference between the two, however, comes down to Active Campaign simply offering more features that can be catered to you as an individual business.
One great element of Active Campaign is that users can set up goals and then respond accordingly to the goal completions. Whether that be number of page views or click-throughs to the website, the goals help users to better track aggregated data. Active Campaign can be fine-tuned and customised to suit your exact marketing and sales goals.
 email automation
Ease Of Design
Both platforms offer drag and drop functions for design and are simple features for the user. However, Active Campaign offers a feature where you can create custom design blocks and save them to be reuse in a later campaign. In comparison, MailChimp simply offers the designated design blocks and template layouts. Both platforms offer very similar design features but Active Campaign’s custom features definitely take the cake!
At Space Digital, we trial and test a variety of platforms to ensure that we are suggesting the best platforms on the market to our clients. If you’re looking for an email campaign platform and want to know which one works best for your business, give us a call today on (07) 3724 0469 and find out what Active Campaign has to offer you.

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