If you’re an Australian business and using email marketing as a tool to spread the word about your business or inform your audience, it’s important to ensure that you take into consideration the laws that are currently in place.
As explained by The ACMA, The Spam Act outlines the email marketing laws within Australia. This act outlines when it is appropriate to send commercial electronic messages and what information must be included. The key factor and main rule to follow is that commercial emails cannot be sent without the receiver’s permission.
Want to know more? Here are the key things to know when implementing emailing marketing for your business:
Who Are They For?
No matter the business, these laws have been put it place for anyone who creates a commercial electronic message that is planned to be sent to an electronic address. Whether it be email, SMS, MMS or instant message, these laws are in place to ensure that audiences are receiving appropriate messages at a suitable time.
When Are They Applied?
The rules that have been outlined apply in scenarios that involve electronic messages being sent to a mobile number or email address. These messages contain commercial elements such as offering to supply, advertise or provide good or services, a business or investment opportunity and land/property. It is vital that these laws are followed to ensure that all parties participate in a more positive experience and outcome.
The 3 Key Rules To Takeaway
1. Get Permission
According to The Spam Act, messages can only be received by those who have granted a company permission to send content to their account or contact information. Without their permission, commercial services are not allowed to send electronic messages unlawfully to their audience.
2. Provide Identification
All messages that are sent to your mailing list that contain commercial messages MUST include the name and contact details of the business or sender that has authorised the message. This information must be easily found and easily read. It is also stated that the details must be relevant for at least 30 days after the message is sent.
3. Offer To Unsubscribe
All messages that are sent out must include a feature whereby users have the ability to withdraw their permission or unsubscribe from receiving any communication from the company. All of the requests to unsubscribe must be actioned within five business days in order to comply with the laws in place.
If you want to find out more about the Australian marketing laws surrounding online messaging, contact one of our email marketing experts here at Space Digital on (07) 3724 0469.