Which Campaign Type Is Right For Your Business? – Google Ads Training
Google ads are a great way to promote a business or service, however it’s important you select the right Campaign Type. If you use them correctly, you can reach a large audience, target specific people and ultimately increase company sales, so it really benefits a business owner to get on the Google bandwagon. However, there are many different types of Google campaign types to choose from, therefore it can seem a little confronting for advertising newbies.
If you’re confused about paid Google advertising, you’re not alone. Hundreds of people click on Google ads every single day, but only a handful of those people understand how they actually work. We’ve broken down each Google campaign type to help you when choosing which one is best suited to you and your business.
Search Network
– What is it?
The Google Search Network is essentially a group of networks where your paid ad could be placed on the internet. Your ad could appear underneath the google search bar and many google partnered websites. Ads on the Search Network are made-up of words only.
– Who should use it?
Businesses who want to advertise on the web through engaging headlines and short-length copy would benefit from using the Search Network.
Display Network
– What is it?
The Display Network is a group of selected websites where your ad could appear. You can target users on similar websites through keywords and topics. The Display Network allows you to advertise with images, videos and other types of multi-media.
– Who should use it?
If your company offers a product and you want to reach potential customers right when they are looking for a similar product, this one’s for you!
Search Network with Display Select
– What is it?
The Google Search Network with Display Select is similar to the Google Search Network, however these ads can also appear on websites in the Display Network. For example, if a customer is searching for a new pair of boots on the web, they may stumble across your ad through a Google search or a fashion/footwear website.
– Who should use it?
Anyone who wants to reach a large audience by advertising on both the Select and Display Network should use the Network with Display Select option.
– What is it?
Google uses keywords to match shopping ads with potential customers who are searching for a similar product. Shopping campaigns offer details on the advertised product such as price, brand and a photo of the product. Shopping campaigns are a good way to reach people and give them enticing information on your product before they have clicked on your ad.
– Who should use it?
Rather self-explanatory – anyone who has a ‘shopable’ product could benefit from using the Shopping campaign type.
– What is it?
Video Campaigns can be seen by viewers on both the Google Display Network and on Youtube. This type of ad may appear at the beginning, middle or end of another video of a similar interest or topic. Alternatively, they can be viewed on their own on a website or blog.
– Who should use it?
If you want to promote your product or business with an engaging video, then this is the right campaign for you.
Universal App
– What is it?
Universal App Campaigns simply promote apps! They can be viewed on Google play, the Search Network, the Display Network, Youtube and more.
– Who should use it?
Do you own an app? If the answer’s yes, you should use it.
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