Walker Hill Group

New HTTPS Changes :// We've Got The Cure – Get Secure!

If website jargon is another language to you, you’re probably thinking of clicking away from this page very soon…
BUT WAIT! Your website could be in danger, or quite literally ‘Not secure’.
You see, with plans to slaughter all unencrypted sites, Google has announced the date of its third upcoming battle in their war against HTTP websites.
And now without the war analogy.
Google Chrome will be marking all HTTP websites as ‘Not secure’ as of July 2018, meaning almost two thirds of the web will be flagged as unsafe – and your website may very well be one of them!Image Source: Venture Beat

Why all the commotion?

It comes from a good heart, really. Google is trying to make a safer, more secure, Internet experience for all of us, and marking HTTP websites as ‘Not secure’ is all part of their cunning plan.

What the *BEEP* is the difference between HTTP and HTTPS?

Think of the extra ‘S’ as a representative of the word ‘Secure’. Essentially, HTTPS websites have a secure layer on top of the standard HTTP protocol; something that is used to connect users to websites on the Internet.
When you visit a website of the HTTP nature, it means the website’s connection is not secure and you could be exposed to malicious activity. A HTTPS website, on the other hand, has been encrypted to protect you from eavesdroppers who could potentially nab your data and personal information.
When you visit a website that uses a HTTPS encryption, you will notice a green ‘Secure’ flag shows in your search bar. Conversely, all unencrypted websites flag ‘Not secure’.This change is merely a security measure taken by Google with the aim to move towards a safer online community. That’s not to say all HTTP websites are necessarily unsafe, rather they are ‘unsecure’ from outside attackers.

Why should you give a damn?

Trust us, you don’t want to go down the red light district…
Currently, the ‘Not secure’ red flag only appears for HTTP websites that contain password fields or take credit card details, such as ecommerce stores. But as of July this year, if your website isn’t accessed through a secure HTTP (HTTPS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), your website will appear as ‘Not secure’ to all visitors.
Not only does this red flag hinder potential customers from visiting your website, your website is also vulnerable to hackers accessing your network, piracy scammers, the exposing passwords and personal data, and other online attacks.

This doesn’t have to happen to you!

A simple conversion over to the new HTTPS protocol can make all your worries drift away. We can help secure your website by setting it up with an SSL certificate and, consequently, converting your website over to HTTPS.
Don’t delay! Contact us on 07 3367 3155, or forever be on red alert.Keep up to date with what’s going on in the design & digital world with our expertise, freebies & resources!

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Riana is our content creating superstar here at Space Digital! With experience and interests in Fashion, Lifestyle and Television, she keeps us up to date with the latest trends and NO NO’s.

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