You would think working in the business of fashion would have you accustomed to rising and falling trends – the fashion industry is constantly changing as are it’s styles and statements (I guess that’s why they call it ‘trendy’). Yet, for most fashion brand owners, the rise of a new website trend is like a taking a brick to the face – painful.
Much like fashion, what was working in the online world last season most likely won’t deem suitable for the current times. So just when you thought you had cracked the code on eCommerce success, a new digital development is announced and everything changes.
Whether we choose to adopt these new trends or not, there’s no denying our customers are influenced by them. This makes it our business (and yours) to keep up with developments in the industry.
Here are five website trends that are defining the online fashion industry today.
Instant Messaging
More online fashion retailers are turning to messenger bots as a means of communication with customers. Instant messenger chats such as Facebook Messenger can be implemented onto your eCommerce website through a plugin, which enables you to converse with your customers live.
Instant messaging provides improved customer service by allowing brands to answer their customers’ queries immediately, build trust, and by offering a more personalised experience. You can read more about why you should embed Facebook Messenger on your website on our blog.
Interactive Websites
The face of online shopping is changing with more and more technological innovations developing everyday. Exciting shopping experiences drives customer engagement as well as sales, which is why you should fully embrace the push for interactive websites.
Fashion brands are finding new, fun and engaging ways to connect with their audience through the creation of consistent high-quality media-rich digital content. Such sophisticated visuals include the likes of images, videos, banners and interactive shoppable elements.
Smart E-Retail Stores
When it comes to customer service and making the consumer feel valued, providing a personalised shopping experience is a must. The implementation of tailored pre-sets, such as remembering past purchases, offering product suggestions based on purchase history, memorising personal clients details for easy transactions and automatic checkout systems, are all part of the 2018 shoppers’ experience.
Product & Brand Story Telling
Although the concept of product story telling may be an unfamiliar to you, story telling is anything but innovate. Marketers, journalists, PR professionals and digital sales specialists have used the power of story telling for centuries, and now eCommerce fashion stores are taking the reins on narration.
By creating a human element to your products, customers become emotionally involved with your business. This helps with building a relationship between you and the consumer, as well as adding credibility, trust and loyalty to your brand.
Mobile Shoppers
With more than half of website traffic coming from smartphones and tablets, the importance of online stores being mobile friendly cannot be overstated. Mobile optimisation can help to boost sales, generate more traffic and increase customer engagement, therefore it is important your website serves the use and smaller screen size of a mobile device.
Furthermore, Google prioritises mobile-friendly websites when a person makes a search on a smartphone or tablet. Ranking higher on Google means increased visibility, which means increased website traffic, which means more sales!
When it comes to website trends in the fashion industry, it’s all about giving the customer what they want before they even know they want it. If you need a digital designer to help make your website mobile-friendly, or you require a complete website revamp, our team are here to help. Please contact us for a quote on 07 3367 3155.Keep up to date with what’s going on in the design & digital world with our expertise, freebies & resources!